Traumatized horses, healed by living species appropriate
They have been through so much, since early childhood
Due to human ignorance, greed and cruelty
They had to fight for their lives more than once
PTSS is a constant reminder of what they have been through, without them having had any control over their own body.
No bodily autonomy
That is most horse’s daily and life long faith
And honestly, if I was not such an experienced, outside the box rehabber and had they not lived #speciesappropriatly
They would have been dead, many years ago
But now they are 16 and 21
And they have full bodily autonomy
They can choose:
Whether close together or apart
Inside or outside
Eating or not
Training or not
And I thank God, we can give this to them every day
Which healed them, both in spirit as well as physical... as far as possible.
“Forever altered
But healed to be risen”
Josepha Guillaume
From the poem ‘Healed to be risen’, chapter about the traumatized horses, from the Book Dressage in Hand - What horses want you to know
© All rights reserved Josepha Guillaume - Dressage in Hand