(Live Pivo online / Recorded Video/ Advice talk via zoom/whatsapp)

What are the possibilities?
It is possible to have:
- a Live Pivo online lesson
- Recorded Video overview
- Advice talk via zoom or whatsapp
"Literally all the available professionals in my area had advised me to hit my horse with sticks and whips to drive him forward. Unsatisfied, I decided that I needed to cast my net wider. It’s amazing what strides you can make when working with a person who is knowledgeable but also empathetic to the horse. Where others see “behavior problems,” Josepha sees tension, pain, and desire to engage despite the difficulty. When others insist on a one-size-fits-all approach that works for many horses but not others, Josepha sees an opportunity to follow the horse’s creativity and see where it goes.
After consulting with Josepha just one time, my horse went from reluctant, to empowered; from refusing to yield, to light and sensitive.
He now offers to piaffe and passage simply for the love of movement – and the occasional cookie, of course. We still have a long way to go, but I know we’re on the right track and I am enjoying the process."
- Carolyn Monroe, USA
What are the requirements ?
I require you to read my book Dressage in Hand. This book is worth many lessons and will ensure you will get the most out of any lesson or advice talk.
How does it work?
Pivo live lesson
If you have a pivo you can send me a link with which I can follow live and teach you via an ear piece. This works almost as good as me being there. When we set an appointment for a lesson, we make up a lesson planning together and I send you which passages in the book you best read over, or I'll send you other relevant information, well beforehand. If you do not have a pivo, you can ask someone to follow you with your smart phone. you will need an ear piece and a microphone though, so we can communicate during the lesson.
Recorded video overview
If you do not own a pivo or have a bad internet connection at your horse's location, you can film a training, put it online (for instance on youtube as a private video) and send me the link. Send the link to 10 min video of you working with your horse to and add your questions in the email. It takes me an hour to overview a 10 min video. I will send you a word doc back with prinstcreens of the video and the time frame of the printscreens, with a detailed explanation of what is happening, what is going right and what you can improve on and how, in practical, easy to follow steps. Many students around the world have found this very helpful and ground breaking.
Advice talk
If you have read my book, but you still have specific questions, or would like advice on your horse's health situation or husbandry, we can talk and you can ask me everything you'd like. My focus always lies on the horse's welfare and happiness and how to expand on that within the owner's possibilities.
With what can I help?
Whether you would like to know more about your interaction, your horse's body language and what he is telling you, or if you would like to start with shoulder in, or piaffe, does not matter. Or do you have to rehab your horse from kissing spines, trauma or other physical or mental problems, I can help with just about anything. Do you have plans to set up a more species appropriate habitat for your horse or look for one? Tap into my decade long daily experience of bettering equine lives on all levels.
Is there a prefered tack?
That is up to you, but I myself prefer a cavesson, a snaffle bridle or a double bridle, depending on what you and your horse are working on. You can also work freestyle or with cordeo. I personally never work with rope halters. When riding a well fitting dressage saddle, spanish saddle or bareback pad works best for dressage exercises under saddle.
What can you expect?
You can expact a lesson or information that will help you and your horse make a vast jump in both your education, at least one exercise you can now execute and perfect and a jump in the understanding between you and your horse, filling your tool bag with knowledge and subtle aids to create a healthy and fun sessions, each time you work with your horse.
What is your investment?
A coaching/overview or advice is:
€65 per hour
How to book?
To book an appointment, transfer EUR 65 via paypal to, then send an email to to book an appointment.
Please mention your country and time zone (CET/EST) and the days, hours you are available with lessons. I shall respond from Tuesday t/m Friday at office hours.
Where to buy a pivo?
If you do not own a pivo and like to purchase one, find the pivo here: Buy a Pivo camera here!