
"This is a book I absolutely adore! I keep it close to my bed and use it for reference when I am working on something specific with my mare.
It is so comprehensive and really starts from the base. Teaching how to use tools and your body. Teaching body language and how to communicate effectively woth your horse.
Having a barely backed 4 yo this really gave me valuable insight on to build from the ground up, literally. Teaching balance and building strength.
It really was an amazing discovery! 10/10!!"
Via instagram @thedatadriven.equestrian
"Hi Josepha, finally I have had a little time to read your book. It is wonderful and you are explaining everything so well. Some new ideas for me too... despite my experience. I think it will be very popular . So many congratulations. I like it enormously.
Sylvia Loch, internationally known author and trainer and writer of the foreword of Dressage in hand.
"Hi Josepha, I just read your book and I must say I am really satisfied. I spend 6 years studying all non-invasive training methods, but all of them fall short. All the best known trainers have something missing. Your book is the first one to explain all the steps so I can do them in liberty, without compromising the 3 F's. Thank you."
Milla Koskinen, via facebook messenger
"What an exciting book!!! Especially for those who love both classical horsemanship and natural horse care!!! Dressage in Hand" by Josepha Guillaume
This gorgeous book is a comprehensive manual on schooling horses from the ground using the ideals and techniques of the old classical masters.
There is an abundance of how-to information, explaining the classical terms and goals of the exercises, and providing basic instruction for the various movements. There is also something much more significant in this book: it highlights the importance of the intimate relationship between horse and human. There are a wealth of details to create more empathetic and compassionate horse training.
Much has been lost in the modern "sports" method of dressage, and many riders are looking for something more fulfilling! Especially exciting to me is the inclusion of bitless bridles, which are demonstrated as a serious tool for academic horse training. Love for the horse permeates this entire book, which includes sections advising for more natural methods of horse care: free fed roughage, outdoor living and herd lifestyle, and barefoot hooves.
This book is a must-have for everyone interested in improving their horse's lives!"
The Horse's Hoof Magazine, USA
"I am reading the book now and it's the best book on dressage I have ever read. Thank you!
Eva Kovarikova (Facebook)
"This is a wonderful book. If you seek a better connection with horses, this is the book to read. Very eye opening"
Christina Purdy (Facebook)
"Whatever you do, make sure to get Dressage in hand by Josepha Guillaume. So much more than I expected because she shares her experience working with traumatized horses, describing in detail her relationshop of many years with Don Jamie, a survivor of the bullfighting industry, best practices for horse care & management, including senior horses. She even discusses making end of life decisions in a very helpful way. I was late last night reading... couldn't put it down! So much depth of content and very readable."
Emily Corwith (Facebook)
"I am not far in, however, I wanted to message you, saying I LOVE IT so far. I thought I had all the books in the world but you have addressed things that I've been looking for in body language. Making it clear and simple to process. I'm so happy to have this book. Things I was looking for but that I didn't know what I was looking for, until now!
Katrina Gray (Facebook)
"I am reading on chapter 2 at this time, love it! It's like opening a door to all new opportunities with my horses. The opportunities that I have been wanting and waiting for. Thank you for sharing your gift to us with this very valuable book Josepha! So much appreciated!"
Vikki Foxhill (facebook)
"Hi Josepha, I have just purchased your book Dressage in hand and am completely enthralled by it. What you have written, makes such sense and am beginning to understand where I have been going wrong."
Claire Sharon Walton (Facebook)
"My book arrived! I started reading last night and had to make myself stop... so much incredibly insightful and useful information, and I love how you pull together various elements that make a difference. "
Sybil Miller (Facebook)
"I received a copy of your book as a gift today. One thing I had never considerd was dressage in hand to help rehabilitation. My rescues thank you, (well they will do as I read, learn and share with them). I only started reading today and I'm hooked already. You had me on the reason for "he" bit, but is just gets better. It's a micture of what I want to be doing, I just didn't know it. Can't wait to read more of it tomorrow!"
Katryna Gamble (Facebook)
"I am loving your book so much! I'm already half way through! I never feel like I have time to read anything it seems, but I can't put it down, thank you!
Peggy Persico (Facebook)
"I have learned so much from your book already and am so grateful for all the work you put into it. I keep reading and re-reading to make sure I'm fully grasping the concepts. Thank you!
Julia Prieto (Facebook)
"In her book, Dressage In Hand, Josepha Guillaume, essentially creates a guide to developing “feel,” a quality that most equestrian professionals gatekeep as something only an elite few are graced with. I have no professional credibility. I am just a girl with a horse. However, through reading the book, I have learned to share a dance that goes from my hips to the horse’s shoulders – and vice versa. In other words, I have learned this thing that others would keep from you: I have learned “feel.” This powerful concept of communicating with your hips is clarified early in the book. It takes a minute to become muscle memory, but when it “clicks,” the sky is the limit for you and your horse."
Carolyn Monroe (whatsapp)
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